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Manual Osteopathy

When the check engine light comes on in your vehicle, you don't ask the mechanic to just turn it off. They pop the hood and start assessing why the light is on. The human body works in a similar way, the "light" is pain, telling you there is a problem. The Manual Osteopath assesses the body as a whole to find the Root of the problem.

Manual Osteopathy
cranial osteopathy

A subtle but very effective  treatment for the central nervous system to have overall body healing. If you have ever hit your head or fallen on your butt; your cranial sacral system has been affected. Headaches, brain fog, vertigo, tinnitus anxiety are just a few of the conditions cranial osteopathy can help with. 

Cranial Osteopathy

visceral osteopathy

Visceral Manipulation is a manual therapy technique that involves gentle, specific hand placements that encourage normal mobility, tone, and inherent tissue motion of the viscera (organs) and their connective tissues. Developed by French osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral, visceral manipulation is based on the concept that the body's organs need to move freely and correctly in order to function optimally.

Visceral Osteopath


OsteoArticulations correct misalignments of the joints, where bones meet and articulate with each other. The patient is positioned in a specific way to facilitate the desired correction of the misaligned joints involved, using Muscle Energy Techniques, MET. With this gentle therapy the client used 10% effort to solidify the correction, with no cracking or snapping.


myofascial remodeling

Fascia is EVERYWHERE in the body! It is the connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles, bones, and organs throughout the body. It plays a crucial role in providing structural integrity, transmitting forces, and facilitating movement. Myofascial remodeling refers to the process of restructuring and reorganizing the fascia, to regain its ability to slide and glide. By decreasing fascial tension and adhesions pain is alleviated throughout the body.

Myofascial Remodeling

manual lymphatic therapy

Our lymph system is an integral part of the body's immunity and waste removal. With gentle, precise techniques MLT acts as a manual pump that can more than double the body's lymph drainage in a 48 hour period. Thus, speeding up the body's recovery and improving immunity to help with; swollen lymph nodes, allergies, brain fog, digestive issues and constipation. 

Manual Lympathic Therapy

pre/post natal

Manual Osteopathy specialized to help women with each trimester of pregnancy including post partum.

Pre/Post Natal

advanced brain therapy

This treatment focuses on the brain, spinal cord, white matter, grey matter, and also in this advanced level treatment, the brain nuclei such as corpus callosum, septum pellucidum, indusium griseum, fornix, thalamus, globus pallidus, amygdala, hippocampus, brainstem, cerebellum, etc.
The body often aligns itself around these precise structures, and they are frequently unaddressed.

The techniques can help most patients, but it can specifically help pathologies such as closed-head injuries, whiplash, headaches, dyslexia, cerebral palsy, cognitive behavioral dysfunctions, learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. Specific techniques are used to release brain-centered restrictions, including the damaging effects that these restrictions cause.

Advanced Brain Therapy

voice dysfunctions

Many people suffer from trauma to the larynx/pharynx.  It can come from voice overuse, direct trauma, strangulation, surgery, or intubation,
Tongue-tie or ankyloglossia is a condition described as having a prevalence of 5% in the general population. There is no standardized test, so the number may be much higher.

Clients can suffer from symptoms that can be alleviated from the tongue-tie protocol, including headaches, neck/shoulder/upper extremity tightness, fatigue, pain/soreness, forward head posture, speech problems, feeding problems, mouth breathing, sleep apnea, teeth grinding (bruxism), crowded teeth, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunctions, reflux, aerophagia, etc.

Voice Dysfunctions

neonatal brain reflexes

There are approximately 28 neonatal reflexes present at birth. 

Many children and adults have neurological disorders, learning disabilities or cognitive challenges. These reflexes should have been inhibited, but children can keep their primary reflexes for longer than necessary inhibiting optimal development.

This treatment allows for more sophisticated neurological structures to develop and remain prevalent. The primary reflexes will be assessed and treated as necessary.

Retained and reoccurring reflexes can create numerous neurological dysfunctions, learning disabilities and sensory integration dysfunctions. Or the reoccurrence of these reflexes in many pathologies, including trauma, whiplash, PTSD, stroke, etc.

NeoNatal Brain Reflexes

cranial nerve

The 12 cranial nerves are a key part of our nervous system, smell, sight, hearing, touch, and taste. They help to maintain homeostasis and regulation of our heart rate, breathing, digestion, and blood pressure. They assist in maintaining our equilibrium and balance. New research shows that they play an important role in social engagement, trauma recovery, and human survival in mammalian social groups. Like any other nerve or physiological structure in the body, cranial nerves can become dysfunctional due to a number of different reasons: restrictions within the cranium or cervical region; inflammation; injury, disease, or trauma; demyelination; or poor vascularization and blood flow.
ADVanced Manual Osteopathic Therapy directly affect the recovery and function of the cranial nerves.

Cranial Nerve

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